Government Employee Granted Security Clearance From Drug Abuse

WEST COAST - Client, government employee was issued a Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) based upon allegations under Adjudicative Guidelines: H - Drug Involvement and J - Criminal Conduct for drug use on multiple occasions each month from 1978-1985; and then on a less frequent basis from 1985 until 2002; falsification of SF86s on two different occasions in 1994 and 1999 by denying drug use in the previous 7 years; and for drug use while employed by the U.S. Government and possessing a security clearance. After responding to the SOR, the government issued a Supplemental SOR under the Adjudicative Guideline for Personal Conduct, to address the deliberate failures provide full, frank, and candid responses to the SF86s. After submitting a response to both the SOR and Supplemental SOR, the Central Adjudication Facility found FOR THE APPLICANT and the clearance was granted without the necessity of having to go through a Personal Appearance.