Dept.of Air Force Employee Cleared of Prior Drug & Alcohol Abuse
August 9th, 2013
SOUTHEAST - A civilian employee for the Department of the Air Force received an inquiry from the USAF Central Adjudication Facility (AFCAF) via the employee's security office that preliminary concerns had been raised under Adjudicative Guidelines: E - Personal Conduct, G - Alcohol Consumption, H - Drug Involvement regarding significant failures to disclose previous drug involvement, alcohol consumption and alcohol-related incidents, criminal conduct, and treatment programs entered, why enrolled, completion dates and prognosis. Working with the client to ensure that ALL concerns related to previous integrity issues were fully disclosed and addressed, as well as detailing all alcohol and drug related incidents as well as a favorable prognosis, we were able to successfully retain the clearance for the client and avoid even the issuance of a Letter of Intent (LOI) and Statement of Reasons (SOR).