Active Duty Officer Lives with Foreign National, Fails to Protect Classified Info - Retains Clearance
October 28th, 2013
EUROPE: Active duty Officer issued Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) with allegations raised under Adjudicative Guidelines B – Foreign Influence, E – Personal Conduct, and K – Handling Protected Information and contained in a six-page SOR related to relationships with approximately a dozen foreign nationals, including cohabitation with a foreign national while still married, failure to promptly report changes in the relationship with the cohabitant, disclosure of the officer's military status on assignment both in person and through social media websites, failure to properly protect classified information in several instances through both failure to maintain possession and improper removal from an authorized place, questions being raised about the officer's judgment. After responding to the SOR the Consolidated Adjudication Facility for the officer's service granted the clearance without the necessity of a Personal Appearance.