Proactive Urinalysis Defense Results in Withdrawal/Dismissal of Charges

USN E-5 tested positive on a command-sweep urinalysis for cocaine. His command began preparations for Captain's Mast and an Administrative Discharge Board. Immediately after being retained, the attorneys of JAG Defense began a thorough investigation into the allegations of drug abuse. In doing so, we identified a suspicious tea consumed by our client in the days leading up to the urinalysis collection. We arranged to have the tea tested by a private laboratory, which confirmed the presence of coca leaf in the tea. Armed with this scientific evidence, our attorneys prepared a comprehensive and compelling package detailing the findings of our investigation and provided it to the chain of command, to include the laboratory results, sworn affidavits of witnesses, and scientific articles about urinalysis testing following the ingestion of "coca tea." Result: Without even having to go to a discharge board hearing, the charges against our client with WITHDRAWN and DISMISSED.