Security Clearance Success Stories
Brief summaries of JAG Defense’s Representative Cases for Security Clearance cases are listed below. To download written decisions of cases handled by JAG Defense, please visit Security Clearance Decisions.
Clearance Granted and No Retaliation by Employer Against Client
PACIFIC - Client requested assistance in completing and executing SF86 due to previous Adjudicative Guideline F - Financial concerns. During adjudication process difficulties arose over possible retaliation actions by employer against client resulting in involvement of several other federal agencies. Client was ultimately granted clearance and no retaliation against client took place.
Categories: Security Clearance Success Stories
Clearance Granted for Applicant After Allegations of Drug Involvement
WASHINGTON, DC - Client, defense contractor, issued Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Guideline H – Drug Involvement as a result of use of marijuana with varying frequency over an approximate 8 year period and for use of marijuana after having been granted a clearance. After presentation of case before an Administrative Judge, finding was made FOR THE APPLICANT and clearance was granted.
Categories: Security Clearance Success Stories
Clearance Granted for Civilian Government Employee of DoD
WEST COAST - Civilian Government employee of DoD issued Statement of Reasons SOR) under Adjudicative Guidelines: B - Foreign Influence and E - Personal Conduct due to close and/or continuing contact with a foreign national bound to by ties of affection or obligation, ownership of a foreign bank account, frequent and lengthy travels to stay at a possessory interest vacation home in the foreign country, refusal to answer questions of background investigator, and alcohol consumption concerns. After submission of a detailed response to the SOR the Central Adjudication Facility granted the clearance without further action.
JAG Defense Lawyers Assisted in Client’s SIF Response
SOUTHWEST - Client received notification of the creation of a Security Information File (SIF) under Adjudicative Guideline M - Use of Information Technology Systems for the introduction of a personally owned media into a government system and introduction of a wireless devise within a classified area. We assisted the client in responding to the SIF resulting in the clearance being continued, without the issuance of a Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR).
Clearance Granted in Case Involving Allegations of Indecent Assault
WASHINGTON, DC - Client senior official within DoD received Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Adjudicative Guidelines: D - Sexual Behavior and J - Criminal Conduct as a result of allegations of indecent assault. After presentation of case before an Administrative Judge from the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals the Personnel Security Appeals Board (PSAB) for the Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) granted the clearance.
Conditional Clearance Granted with Requirement of Periodic Reports
PACIFIC - Military member issued Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Adjudicative Guideline F - Financial Considerations as a result of 11 accounts in arrears totaling approximately $20,000. After submission of response reflecting substantial efforts on part of client to resolve all debts, Central Adjudication Facility granted conditional clearance, requiring periodic reports by client to continue to document efforts to complete resolution of all accounts.
Categories: Security Clearance Success Stories
JAG Defense Represented Applicant for Position with FBI
SOUTHEAST - Client applicant for position with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) initially denied clearance based upon Adjudicative Guideline B - Foreign Influence based upon close and continuing contact with sibling dual national of another country, father-in-law having a residence and contact with same foreign country, having a personal relationship with a member a fanatical and religious organization, as well as personally having contacts and relationships with members of the foreign nation's military and law enforcement agencies. After submission of a detailed response, denying some allegations and mitigating others, client was approved for the clearance and later offered employment with the Agency.
Categories: Security Clearance Success Stories
CAF Determined Suspension of Access/Assignment Not Required
NORTHWEST - Client issued Notice of Intent to suspend access to classified information and assignment to a sensitive position under Adjudicative Guideline M - Misuse of Information Technology Systems following investigation into loss or compromise of classified information as a result of knowingly copying classified information to an unclassified computer on several occasions and the discovery of classified files on multiple hard drives used by client and associated with an unclassified network. Following submission of response to proposed suspension the Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) determined that suspension of access/assignment was not required and the client received a favorable clearance determination without the issuance of a Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons.
Clearance Granted for Applicant in Criminal Conduct Due to DUI Case
WASHINGTON, DC - Client defense contractor issued Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Adjudicative Guideline J – Criminal Conduct due to DUI, violation of probation of DUI by consuming alcohol and being arrested while on probation for Felony Criminal Trespass in a different state, resulting in Probation Violation Hearing in the first state and another period of probation in the other state. After presentation of the case at a Hearing the Administrative Judge found FOR THE APPLICANT and granted the clearance.
Categories: Security Clearance Success Stories
Clearance Granted From Client’s Failure to Disclose Financial Accounts
WASHINGTON, DC - Client, Federal Government Employee in DoD issued Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) by Central Adjudication Facility under Adjudicative Guidelines E – Personal Conduct and F – Financial Considerations due to failure to disclose 110 financial accounts in arrears totaling approximately $35,000.00. By resolving most accounts and submitting substantial documentation of efforts to resolve remaining accounts Clearance was Granted, with warning, and without the necessity of a Personal Appearance.