Dept. of Army Civilian Employee Cleared from Debt, Rape, and DUI

EUROPE - Civilian employee of Department of the Army issued a Letter of Intent (LOI) to revoke Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Access Eligibility and Security Clearance based upon Guideline F- Financial Considerations as result of five past due accounts, two accounts in collection and incomplete information provided regarding financial obligations. Upon failing to respond to the LOI, the access eligibility and clearance were revoked. Employee subsequently requested reconsideration of that decision, however, while it was being considered a subsequent LOI was issued based upon additional Guideline F - Financial Considerations arising, consisting of two accounts being placed for collection; Guideline J - Criminal Conduct as a result of a DUI and fleeing the scene of an accident; and two incident reports for sexual and criminal conduct (rape and sexual assault), three years apart, involving separate individuals; Guideline D - Sexual Behavior, regarding those two incident reports; Guideline E - Personal Conduct resulting from both the reported incidents as well as unfavorable information provided by others; and, Guideline G - Alcohol Consumption involving the above incidents. After consideration of the response to the LOIs prepared by our office, and without requiring a the necessity of a personal appearance, the Army's Central Adjudication Facility (CCF) reinstated the Special Access Eligibility and Security Clearance.

Reserve Army Major Cleared from Allegations on Past Due Child Support

SOUTHEAST - Reserve Army Major issued a Letter of Intent (LOI) to revoke clearance based upon Statement of Reasons (SOR) allegations under Adjudicative Guideline F - Financial Considerations as the result of substantial past due balance on child support payments and proceedings in bankruptcy. Upon review of response, Army Central Clearance Facility granted clearance with warning.

Federal Government Civilian Employee Cleared of Travel Claim Fraud

EUROPE - Applicant Federal Government civilian employee assigned at an overseas military installation received Letter of Intent (LOI) and Statement of Reasons (SOR) based upon Guideline F – Financial Considerations, Guideline J – Criminal Conduct as a result of multiple debts being in collection and/or charged off in excess of $24,000; and multiple instances of travel claim fraud. Client responded to LOI, however, Central Adjudication Facility revoked clearance and client appealed. After being retained to represent client at a Personal Appearance before an Administrative Judge from the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals, the Central Adjudication Facility reversed its previous decision and reinstated the clearance.

Client Cleared of Nine Different Debts & Delinquet Accounts

MIDDLE EAST - Client applied for and was selected to serve in a contractor employee support position under a Department of State (DoS) contract in Iraq. Subsequent to being hired, the DoS Contract Review Panel rejected client's employment based upon a “suitability determination” – which process utilizes the same adjudicative Guidelines as are applied in security clearance adjudications – based upon Guideline F – Financial Considerations concerning 9 different charged-off, past-due and delinquent accounts totaling in excess of $50,000. After preparing and submitting an appeal to the Contract Review Panel, the client was found suitable for employment and was able to continue with his employment.

Civilian Navy Employee Cleared of Bankruptcies & Financial Problems

SOUTHEAST - A civilian employee with the Navy had experienced significant financial struggles for decades. These struggles included two separate bankruptcies, the most recent in 2002. Even after the bankruptcies, our client continued to experience financial difficulties, including very large delinquent mortgage payments. In addition, our client failed to disclose his 2002 bankruptcy to security personnel. Based on the foregoing, our client was issued a Letter of Intent/Statement of Reasons to revoke his Top Secret security clearance. After retaining our services, we worked with our client to set up payment plans on his current debt, and mitigated all other security concerns. Based upon our comprehensive response package to the Letter of Intent, our client was able to retain his Top Secret clearance.

Dept. of Navy Employee Cleared of Cocaine Use, Possession, & DUIs

MIDDLE ATLANTIC - Civilian employee of the Department of the Navy was issued a Letter of Intent/Statement of Reasons to revoke his security clearance based upon Guideline E – Personal Conduct, Guideline F – Financial Considerations, Guideline G – Alcohol Consumption, Guideline H – Drug Involvement, and Guideline J – Criminal Conduct. While holding a clearance, our client declared bankruptcy, used cocaine, and was arrested for cocaine possession and DUI. Working with the client for over a year, we aided him in obtaining counseling and rehabilitation and making lifestyle changes. After presentation of our case demonstrating substantial behavior changes and excellent prognosis, the Administrative Judge ruled FOR THE APPLICANT granting security clearance

SNCO/E-8 Receives Clearance for Unpaid Taxes, Child Support, & Debt

SOUTH - SNCO/E-8 issued Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) for Adjudicative Guideline F - Financial Considerations concerning State tax lien for unpaid taxes for several years; Child support in arrears placed in collection for over $30,000 as the result of not making full support payments over a period of approximately 7 years; and additional past due debt not being paid. After presentation of information in his response to the Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) of the client's diligent efforts to meet financial obligations, superior personal and professional performance and conduct demonstrating a pattern of reliability, trustworthiness and ability to protect classified information, the CAF found Conditionally FOR THE APPLICANT without the necessity of a Personal Appearance before an Administrative Judge. The client need only continue to demonstrate responsible steps in paying off the debts in arrears through quarterly financial status reports to the command.

Defense Contractor Receives Security Clearance From Unpaid Debts

MIDDLE ATLANTIC - Applicant Defense Contractor issued a Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Guideline F - Financial Considerations for 14 unpaid debts. After presentation of case at a Hearing the Administrative Judge found FOR THE APPLICANT and granted the clearance.

Defense Contractor Cleared From 18 Unpaid Debts

MIDDLE ATLANTIC - Applicant Defense Contractor issued Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Guideline F - Financial Considerations for 18 unpaid debts and Guideline E - Personal Conduct for failure to disclose financial issues in the SF86. Upon review of detailed Answer to the SOR, and even though a Hearing was requested, the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals granted the clearance without the necessity of conducting the Hearing - Finding FOR THE APPLICANT.

Dual Status Technician Receives Clearance With Debts Over $80,000

SOUTHWEST - Dual status technician issued Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Adjudicative Guideline F - Financial Considerations Guideline based upon twelve accounts in collection and one judgment, totaling over $50,000.00 as evidenced by multiple credit reports over several years, with there still being eight charge-off, collection, and judgment accounts of over $30,000.00 as of the date of the SOR. After detailed response to specific allegations and substantial whole person evidence, Central Adjudication Facility granted clearance without requiring a Personal Appearance.