Dept. of Navy Employee Cleared of Cocaine Use, Possession, & DUIs

MIDDLE ATLANTIC - Civilian employee of the Department of the Navy was issued a Letter of Intent/Statement of Reasons to revoke his security clearance based upon Guideline E – Personal Conduct, Guideline F – Financial Considerations, Guideline G – Alcohol Consumption, Guideline H – Drug Involvement, and Guideline J – Criminal Conduct. While holding a clearance, our client declared bankruptcy, used cocaine, and was arrested for cocaine possession and DUI. Working with the client for over a year, we aided him in obtaining counseling and rehabilitation and making lifestyle changes. After presentation of our case demonstrating substantial behavior changes and excellent prognosis, the Administrative Judge ruled FOR THE APPLICANT granting security clearance

Defense Contractor Cleared of Two DUI Convictions and Alcohol Abuse

SOUTHWEST - Defense Contractor issues Statement of Reasons (SOR) to revoke clearance under Guideline G – Alcohol Consumption due to excessive alcohol consumption over a 28 year period; two DUI convictions; seven different inpatient and outpatient alcohol treatment programs; court ordered and monitored Antabuse program and Interlock ignition system. After presentation of case at a Hearing the Administrative Judge found FOR THE APPLICANT and the clearance was granted.

Defense Contractor Cleared from Four DUIs and Related Offenses

SOUTHEAST - Applicant Defense Contractor issued Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Guideline G: Alcohol Consumption for four DUIs in a 5 year period to also include charges of Driving on a suspended license, giving false name to police, disorderly conduct, obstruction of an officer, and leaving the scene of an accident. After presentation of the case at a Hearing the Administrative Judge found FOR THE APPLICANT and the clearance was retained.

Active Duty Service Member Cleared of Financial Charges & Drug Charges

SOUTHEAST - Active duty service member issued Letter of Intent (LOI) / Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Adjudicative Guidelines F - Financial Considerations, G - Alcohol Consumption, and H - Drug Involvement due to 17 different accounts in arrears to include student loans, Veterans Administration, tax lien and consumer credit accounts; use of marijuana on several occasions, to include being the basis for a previous discharge from the military before reenlisting on this enlistment, possession of marijuana, DUI, and excessive consumption of alcohol. After detailed written response to SOR the Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) granted the client's clearance without the client having to go through a Personal Appearance.

Client Cleared from Civil Lawsuit of Due Child Support, Theft, & DUI

SOUTHEAST - Applicant, who is also a Key Management Personnel for the Contractor, was facing difficulties in getting his Personal Security Clearance favorably adjudicated due to concerns arising under Adjudicative Guidelines: J - Criminal Conduct, G - Alcohol Consumption, and E - Personal Conduct due to past issues of felony prosecution for Aggravated Battery and Grand Theft, civil lawsuit for past due child support, and DUI. Delay in granting of Personal Clearance was also negatively affecting Defense Contractor ability to obtain Facility Clearance. The combination of the delays in the two clearances was costing the Contractor the ability to obtain large government contracts. Working with Defense Security Service (DSS), Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO), and Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA), we were able to quickly provide the necessary mitigating information sufficient to result in an expeditious resolution of the Personal Clearance, thereby also resulting in a favorable adjudication of the Facility Clearance, all of this being accomplished in very short order of just a few days and without the issuance of a Statement of Reasons or the requirement to go through a Hearing, saving the client both time and money and expediting the Contractor's ability to achieved classified contracts.

Client Cleared From Negative Work History and Financial Struggles

MIDWEST - Client was offered permanent position of employment with National Geospatial Agency (NGA) requiring a security clearance and polygraph examination. Previous issues in client's life under Adjudicative Guidelines: G - Alcohol Consumption - with an impact on work performance, and receiving counseling on several occasions, and F - Financial Considerations - as a result of reduced property values (i.e., being "underwater" on the mortgage) and inability to pay the mortgage, raised concerns for the clients ability to receive a favorable adjudication on the clearance. Helping the client prepare the SF86 and helping the client prepare for the clearance investigation interview resulted in the client being granted the clearance without a Statement of Reasons (SOR) being issued.

CAF Found for the Client without Personal Appearance

WASHINGTON, DC - Client civilian employee of Department of Defense was issued a Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) for Adjudicative Guidelines related to G - Alcohol Consumption, I - Psychological Conditions, F - Financial Considerations, and J - Criminal Conduct related to failure to disclose alcohol counseling or treatment, admission on a number of occasions for detoxification and mental health issues, previous revocation of clearance based upon treatment for alcoholism, arrest for DUI, and recent Bankruptcy. After presentation of a written response to the allegations the Central Adjudication Facility found for the client and granted the clearance without the necessity of having to go through a Personal Appearance.

CAF Found for the Client Without a Personal Appearance

SOUTHEAST - Client Federal Government employee within DoD received Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) for allegations under Adjudicative Guideline – Alcohol Consumption as a result of four alcohol-related driving incidents within an eight year period, to include underage consumption and operation of a vehicle, with the most recent incident occurring in the month preceding execution of the SF86. After following our guidance on alcohol avoidance, obtaining counseling, and other measures, client was granted a clearance by the Central Adjudication Facility without having to go through a Personal Appearance.

Clearance Approved for Client with History of Alcohol Abuse

SOUTHWEST - Client Federal Government employee within DoD was issued a Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) under the Adjudicative Guideline: G - Alcohol Consumption based upon a history of excessive consumption of alcohol which resulted in the client self-seeking assistance in eliminating or controlling the consumption of alcohol. For a number of months the client was able to abstain before relapsing. Later the applicant completed an intensive in-patient rehabilitation program Several years later, however, the client relapsed and had an alcohol-related incident resulting in a DUI. The client went through another program of treatment and abstinence, however, the total history of alcohol consumption resulted in the issuance of the SOR. After submission of a response to the SOR the Central Adjudication Facility found FOR THE APPLICANT and the clearance was approved without the necessity of having to go through a Personal Appearance.

JAG Defense Successful with Reapplication after Denial Package

EUROPE - Client active duty military service member was previously denied a security clearance by his service's Central Adjudication Facility based upon unmitigated concerns involving Adjudicative Guidelines: B - Foreign Influence, E - Personal Conduct, F - Financial Considerations, G - Alcohol Consumption, H - Drug Involvement, and J - Criminal Conduct. The specific allegations included: multiple traffic violations, alcohol-related offenses, Assault/Domestic Violence, Criminal Damage to Property, Several Failures to Appear at Court, deliberate misrepresentations on the SF86, and over $25,000 in bad debts listed in a four-page Statement of Reasons. Without a clearance being granted, client would have been unable to complete the necessary years of service to qualify for a retirement. Working with client we were able to submit a reapplication after denial package mitigating all concerns and the client was granted the clearance.