Clearance Granted for Applicant after SOR Allegations under Guideline H

NEW ENGLAND - Applicant employee of Defense Contractor was issued a Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Adjudicative Guideline H: Drug Involvement due to use of marijuana with varying frequency for about 3 years, with the last use occurring after being advised that a security clearance was required for the position, and with the last use occurring in the month preceding execution of the SF86; as well as purchasing marijuana on several occasions. After presentation of the case at a Hearing the Administrative Judge found FOR THE APPLICANT and granted the clearance.

Clearance Granted for Applicant After Allegations of Drug Involvement

WASHINGTON, DC - Client, defense contractor, issued Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Guideline H – Drug Involvement as a result of use of marijuana with varying frequency over an approximate 8 year period and for use of marijuana after having been granted a clearance. After presentation of case before an Administrative Judge, finding was made FOR THE APPLICANT and clearance was granted.

JAG Defense Successful with Reapplication after Denial Package

EUROPE - Client active duty military service member was previously denied a security clearance by his service's Central Adjudication Facility based upon unmitigated concerns involving Adjudicative Guidelines: B - Foreign Influence, E - Personal Conduct, F - Financial Considerations, G - Alcohol Consumption, H - Drug Involvement, and J - Criminal Conduct. The specific allegations included: multiple traffic violations, alcohol-related offenses, Assault/Domestic Violence, Criminal Damage to Property, Several Failures to Appear at Court, deliberate misrepresentations on the SF86, and over $25,000 in bad debts listed in a four-page Statement of Reasons. Without a clearance being granted, client would have been unable to complete the necessary years of service to qualify for a retirement. Working with client we were able to submit a reapplication after denial package mitigating all concerns and the client was granted the clearance.

JAG Defense Successfully Assisted Client with 3 Different Denials

MIDDLE ATLANTIC - Successfully assisted client who previously had three different denials/revocations over an approximate 3-4 year period, from two different Agencies, in a "reapplication after denial" process. Previous denials were based upon Adjudicative Guidelines: H and E extensive drug use over an approximate 23 year period, involving several drugs; purchase of same drugs; use, possession and purchase while possessing a security clearance; and multiple failures to disclose drug use in previous SF86s and in response to written Interrogatories from the adjudication authority; with a final self-disclosed report of an additional drug-related incident (favorably resolved) occurring during the reapplication process.

Client Successfully Regained Security Clearance From Drug Involvement

MIDDLE ATLANTIC - Successfully assisted client on reapplication after denial for security clearance. Client lost clearance due to Adjudicative Guidelines E – Personal Conduct, H – Drug Involvement, and I – Psychological Conditions as result of longstanding history of drug use and multiple misrepresentations on several previous SF86s and throughout numerous background investigation and adjudications processes. Following our guidance, client underwent a year of drug abuse evaluation and random urinalysis testing and psychological evaluations and then was successful in the reapplication after denial process, retaining his job and getting his security clearance back.

Clearance Granted for Client without SOR Issuance

MIDDLE ATLANTIC - Client defense contractor received written Interrogatories from DOHA concerning extensive Personal Conduct and Drug Involvement concerns under Adjudicative Guidelines E and H due to use of various illegal drugs over an extensive period of time, failure to fully disclose all drug use in answering questions on the SF86/e-QIP/Questionnaire for National Security Positions, and having gone through drug rehabilitation. After providing clarifications and explanations regarding these concerns to the adjudicators at DOHA the client was granted the clearance without a Statement of Reasons (SOR) being issued.

CAF Granted Clearance without Necessity of a Personal Appearance

WEST COAST - Client government employee was issued a Statement of Reasons (SOR) from the service's Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) under Adjudicative Guidelines: E - Personal Conduct, G - Alcohol Consumption, H - Drug Involvement, I - Psychological Conditions and J - Criminal Conduct, based upon allegations of DUI, inpatient treatment for substance abuse (alcohol, as well as lawful and unlawful drug use of several substances) and suicidal ideation/overdose attempt, readmission for substance abuse treatment and detoxification, additional out-patient substance abuse treatment, and unusual behavior during the background investigation. After responding to the SOR the CAF granted the clearance without the necessity of a Personal Appearance.

Judge Found for the Applicant in Drug Involvement Case

MIDDLE ATLANTIC - Client defense contractor was issued a Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Adjudicative Guideline H – Drug Involvement and E – Personal Conduct for use of illegal drugs and misuse of prescription drugs, testing positive for illegal drug use, and drug use while possessing a security clearance as well as failing to disclose drug use in a security clearance background investigation and adjudication. After presenting the case before an Administrative Judge from the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals the clearance was granted with the Judge finding FOR THE APPLICANT.

JAG Defense Retains Security Clearance for Active Duty Member

WASHINGTON DC - Client active duty member was previously denied access to classified information by another Federal Agency when that denial file was forwarded to the client's service Central Adjudication Facility (CAF), which issued a Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) to which client responded. The SOR was based upon Adjudicative Guidelines for B - Foreign Influence, D - Sexual Behavior, E - Personal Conduct, F - Financial Considerations, H - Drug Involvement, J - Criminal Conduct, and M - Use of Information Technology Systems as a result of refusal to pay delinquent credit accounts, retaliatory damage to the property of a neighbor, vandalism, providing false information to law enforcement, reckless driving, reckless discharge of firearms on various occasions and settings, numerous adulterous relationships to include with a foreign national, transmission of pornographic self-images through government computer and information systems, theft of government property, drug use by the client and the client's spouse, involvement in drug dealing, sexual relations with a minor, multiple failures to successfully complete polygraph examinations, pointing a loaded handgun at a neighbor, bringing a concealed weapon to the workplace, theft of government property, and possession of unregistered weapons on government property. Upon receipt of Letter of Notification of revocation of clearance by the service CAF, client retained JAG Defense for representation at a Personal Appearance before an Administrative Judge from the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA). After presenting the case at the Personal Appearance the Personnel Security Appeals Board (PSAB) reinstated the client's clearance.