Military Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Charges Dropped Against Navy E-7

Navy E-7 was charged with the sexual assault and sexual harassment of 3 junior Sailors in his division. If convicted, our client was facing the possibility of confinement and a punitive discharge, and would have had to register as a sex offender. Through JAG Defense's pretrial investigation and negotiations, we were able to convince the chain of command to WITHDRAW AND DISMISS ALL CHARGES against our client. Instead, he accepted Nonjudicial Punishment for his admitted simple assault of 1 of the females, thereby avoiding a federal criminal record, confinement, and a sex offender registration.

Navy E-9 Retires as a Master Chief Despite Unprofessional Relationship

A Navy Master Chief with over 26 years of military service was charged with an unprofessional relationship, sexual harassment, disrespect to a commissioned officer and wrongfully soliciting a subordinate Sailor for sexual intercourse. His command referred his case to a court-martial and our client was facing the possibility of a criminal record, confinement, and the loss of his retirement. After being retained, we conducted an exhaustive investigation into the command climate at our client’s Squadron that revealed a great deal of similar misconduct by other members of the Squadron. We were then able to negotiate an alternate disposition of the charges against our client. As a result of this alternate disposition, our client avoided a criminal record, avoided confinement, and was able to RETIRE as a Master Chief.

Air Force O-4 Acquitted of Sexual Offense Charges

Air Force O-4 was charged with Indecent Acts with a Child, Conduct Unbecoming an Officer by engaging in sexual advances toward female subordinates, a variety of assaults and battery on junior enlisted personnel, and drunk and disorderly conduct. He pled guilty to Assault on a Child under Sixteen, several of the Assaults, and Conduct Prejudicial to Good Order and Discipline. He was only convicted of one assault to which he did not plead guilty. He was acquitted of all sexual offenses, thus avoiding sexual offender registration. In sentencing, the Government argued for Dismissal from the service and three years confinement. Our client was sentenced to only 45 days of confinement and forfeitures, and NO DISMISSAL.

Board of Inquiry Voted 3-0 to Retain Navy O-2E Despite Pattern of Sexual Harassment

Navy O-2E engaged in a pattern of inappropriate behavior with subordinate female Sailors. This behavior included telling numerous females, both orally and by email, that they “looked hot,” and suggesting to another that the command should install a stripper pole in the work station for her to dance on. Client was counseled informally by a supervisor but his behavior persisted. After slapping a female in the buttocks, client received a formal Letter of Instruction from the CO. Only months after receiving the Letter of Instruction, client made inappropriate comments to another female Sailor about her sweater “hiding her assets” and slapped her on the buttocks with a clipboard. JAG Defense worked with client for a year to facilitate his counseling and rehabilitation, and represented client at his subsequent Board of Inquiry for sexual harassment. At his Board, we convinced the victim of his sexual harassment to testify on his behalf, and presented compelling evidence of his remorse, his rehabilitation, and his commitment to refrain from such behavior in the future. Result: The Board voted 3-0 to RETAIN our client in the U.S. Navy.

Discharged Navy E-5 Receives Retirement Benefits after Application to BCNR

Prior to JAG Defense representation, a Navy E-5 was discharged for misconduct, commission of a serious offense and sexual harassment after 18 years but less than 20 years of service qualifying for retirement. Client hired JAG Defense to assist him in attempting to obtain retirement benefits despite his discharge. JAG Defense prepared application to BCNR, who granted relief giving client credit for remaining time to reach 20 years of service, to include back pay for 2 years of active duty, and retirement pay effective from the date client would have reached 20 years of service. Client will now receive full retirement benefits for life.

O-5 Commanding Officer Retained in Navy By O-6 Member Panel

Navy O-5 Commanding Officer was relieved from command due to allegations of sexual harassment and conduct unbecoming an officer. At his Board of Inquiry, JAG Defense demonstrated that the allegations against our client had been greatly exaggerated by his accusers, and that the investigation into his alleged behavior was rushed, one-sided, and incomplete. JAG Defense also presented compelling evidence of our client's otherwise exceptional 22+ year Naval career. Result: The O-6 member panel voted 3-0 to RETAIN our client in the U.S. Navy.