Denial Decision Reversed for Client with TS/SCI Access

WEST COAST - Client applicant for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) access with a "three-lettered Agency" was denied clearance based upon Adjudicative Guidelines: E - Personal Conduct and B - Foreign Influence as a result of failure to report misuse of prescription medication or mental health counseling as well as disclosures during the interview process that the failures to disclose were deliberate actions due to concerns about losing employment and a negative clearance/access adjudication had the disclosures been made. Disclosures of drug use included steroids, morphine vicodin and abuse of sleep aids; other concerns related to misuse of government technology systems to view pornography as well as immediate family members being citizens/residents of a foreign country whose interests are inimical to those of the United States, to include service (through retirement) by an immediate family member in the foreign nation's military and later service in the foreign nation's diplomatic corps; and, finally, by refusal to provide requested information about foreign citizen/resident family members. After being retained by JAG Defense, we were able to have the denial decision reversed, making the client eligible for access to classified information and affirmation of never having had a clearance denied for future clearance/access applications.