Security Clearance Success Stories
Brief summaries of JAG Defense’s Representative Cases for Security Clearance cases are listed below. To download written decisions of cases handled by JAG Defense, please visit Security Clearance Decisions.
Civilian Navy Employee Cleared of Bankruptcies & Financial Problems
SOUTHEAST - A civilian employee with the Navy had experienced significant financial struggles for decades. These struggles included two separate bankruptcies, the most recent in 2002. Even after the bankruptcies, our client continued to experience financial difficulties, including very large delinquent mortgage payments. In addition, our client failed to disclose his 2002 bankruptcy to security personnel. Based on the foregoing, our client was issued a Letter of Intent/Statement of Reasons to revoke his Top Secret security clearance. After retaining our services, we worked with our client to set up payment plans on his current debt, and mitigated all other security concerns. Based upon our comprehensive response package to the Letter of Intent, our client was able to retain his Top Secret clearance.
Categories: Security Clearance Success Stories
Dept. of Energy Employee Cleared of Alcohol Abuse and Four DUI Charges
SOUTHEAST - A civilian employee for the Department of Energy (DOE) was denied for a Q-clearance based upon an extensive history of alcohol abuse, which included 4 DUIs. During his security clearance interview with a DOE psychologist, our client admitted to continued social drinking. Following the advice of the DOE psychologist, the DOE denied our client his Q-clearance, leading him to retain the services of JAG Defense. Our attorneys put together an extensive response package demonstrating our client's rehabilitation, including a second opinion from a psychologist specializing in addictions. At his personal appearance, we presented testimony from numerous witnesses about our client's lifestyle changes, and argued that he was successfully rehabilitated. Result: Over the continuing objection of the DOE psychologist, our client was granted his Q-clearance by the hearing officer.
Categories: Security Clearance Success Stories
Dept.of Air Force Employee Cleared of Prior Drug & Alcohol Abuse
SOUTHEAST - A civilian employee for the Department of the Air Force received an inquiry from the USAF Central Adjudication Facility (AFCAF) via the employee's security office that preliminary concerns had been raised under Adjudicative Guidelines: E - Personal Conduct, G - Alcohol Consumption, H - Drug Involvement regarding significant failures to disclose previous drug involvement, alcohol consumption and alcohol-related incidents, criminal conduct, and treatment programs entered, why enrolled, completion dates and prognosis. Working with the client to ensure that ALL concerns related to previous integrity issues were fully disclosed and addressed, as well as detailing all alcohol and drug related incidents as well as a favorable prognosis, we were able to successfully retain the clearance for the client and avoid even the issuance of a Letter of Intent (LOI) and Statement of Reasons (SOR).
Defense Contract Employee Granted Clearance Twelve Alcohol Incidents
WEST - Applicant Defense Contractor received Statement of Reasons (SOR) detailing twelve different Guideline G - Alcohol Consumption - alcohol-related events to include multiple vehicular incidents, accidents, DUIs, and treatment/counseling program participation. After presentation of the case, the Administrative Judge found FOR THE APPLICANT and the clearance was approved.
Categories: Security Clearance Success Stories
Air Force O-6 Retains Security Clearance After Inappropriate Relations
SOUTHEAST - Air Force O-6 Commanding Officer engaged in an unprofessional relationship with an O-3 subordinate officer, resulting in an Article 15 and removal from command. Our client was issued a Letter of Intent to revoke his Top Secret Security Clearance under Adjudicative Guidelines: E - Personal Conduct and J - Criminal Conduct. Our comprehensive response package to the Letter of Intent successfully mitigated all concerns, and adjudication was completed within 2 weeks. Result: Client retained his Top Secret Security Clearance without even having to appear before an Administrative Law Judge.
Dept. of Navy Employee Cleared of Cocaine Use, Possession, & DUIs
MIDDLE ATLANTIC - Civilian employee of the Department of the Navy was issued a Letter of Intent/Statement of Reasons to revoke his security clearance based upon Guideline E – Personal Conduct, Guideline F – Financial Considerations, Guideline G – Alcohol Consumption, Guideline H – Drug Involvement, and Guideline J – Criminal Conduct. While holding a clearance, our client declared bankruptcy, used cocaine, and was arrested for cocaine possession and DUI. Working with the client for over a year, we aided him in obtaining counseling and rehabilitation and making lifestyle changes. After presentation of our case demonstrating substantial behavior changes and excellent prognosis, the Administrative Judge ruled FOR THE APPLICANT granting security clearance
Dept of Defense Civilian Employee Cleared of Sexual Harrassment
MIDDLE ATLANTIC - Department of Defense civilian employee issued Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Guideline D - Sexual Behavior, as result of investigation into inappropriate behavior (sexual harassment) and personal conduct disclosed 6 specific allegations of misconduct over an extended period of time resulting in removal from senior official position/Federal Service. After substantial explanation of circumstances and events, CentralAdjudication Facility found FOR THE APPLICANT just two days after receiving client's Response to the SOR.
Categories: Security Clearance Success Stories
Defense Contractor Cleared of Two DUI Convictions and Alcohol Abuse
SOUTHWEST - Defense Contractor issues Statement of Reasons (SOR) to revoke clearance under Guideline G – Alcohol Consumption due to excessive alcohol consumption over a 28 year period; two DUI convictions; seven different inpatient and outpatient alcohol treatment programs; court ordered and monitored Antabuse program and Interlock ignition system. After presentation of case at a Hearing the Administrative Judge found FOR THE APPLICANT and the clearance was granted.
Categories: Security Clearance Success Stories
SNCO/E-8 Receives Clearance for Unpaid Taxes, Child Support, & Debt
SOUTH - SNCO/E-8 issued Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) for Adjudicative Guideline F - Financial Considerations concerning State tax lien for unpaid taxes for several years; Child support in arrears placed in collection for over $30,000 as the result of not making full support payments over a period of approximately 7 years; and additional past due debt not being paid. After presentation of information in his response to the Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) of the client's diligent efforts to meet financial obligations, superior personal and professional performance and conduct demonstrating a pattern of reliability, trustworthiness and ability to protect classified information, the CAF found Conditionally FOR THE APPLICANT without the necessity of a Personal Appearance before an Administrative Judge. The client need only continue to demonstrate responsible steps in paying off the debts in arrears through quarterly financial status reports to the command.
Categories: Security Clearance Success Stories
Navy O-4 Keeps Security Clearance From Foreign Military Relationships
EUROPE - Department of the Navy O-4 issued Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) to revoke eligibility for security clearance and access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) under Adjudicative Guideline B - Foreign Influence due to marriage to foreign national military service member, and for having close personal relationships with foreign national citizens from various countries. After DON CAF denied the clearance/access JAG Defense was retained and, after a Personal Appearance before an Administrative Judge the DON CAF Personnel Security Appeals Board (PSAB) GRANTED THE CLEARANCE and SCI access.
Categories: Security Clearance Success Stories