Clearance Granted and No Retaliation by Employer Against Client

PACIFIC - Client requested assistance in completing and executing SF86 due to previous Adjudicative Guideline F - Financial concerns. During adjudication process difficulties arose over possible retaliation actions by employer against client resulting in involvement of several other federal agencies. Client was ultimately granted clearance and no retaliation against client took place.

Conditional Clearance Granted with Requirement of Periodic Reports

PACIFIC - Military member issued Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Adjudicative Guideline F - Financial Considerations as a result of 11 accounts in arrears totaling approximately $20,000. After submission of response reflecting substantial efforts on part of client to resolve all debts, Central Adjudication Facility granted conditional clearance, requiring periodic reports by client to continue to document efforts to complete resolution of all accounts.

Clearance Granted From Client’s Failure to Disclose Financial Accounts

WASHINGTON, DC - Client, Federal Government Employee in DoD issued Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) by Central Adjudication Facility under Adjudicative Guidelines E – Personal Conduct and F – Financial Considerations due to failure to disclose 110 financial accounts in arrears totaling approximately $35,000.00. By resolving most accounts and submitting substantial documentation of efforts to resolve remaining accounts Clearance was Granted, with warning, and without the necessity of a Personal Appearance.

Clearance Granted for Client Who Had Over $155,000 in Collections

CARIBBEAN - Client senior officer in the military received Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Adjudicative Guideline for Financial Considerations due to seven accounts totaling in excess of $155,000 in collections/charged-off. After submission of written response to SOR the Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) granted the clearance under the condition that the client provide periodic reports reflecting continuing efforts to finish resolving all accounts.

Clearance Granted for DoD Employee in Financial Considerations Case

PACIFIC - Client Federal Government employee within DoD issued Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Adjudicative Guideline: F - Financial Considerations, due to 10 delinquent accounts, totaling over $25,000.00. After working with client and then presenting evidence of resolution of the various accounts the clearance was granted.

JAG Defense Successful with Reapplication after Denial Package

EUROPE - Client active duty military service member was previously denied a security clearance by his service's Central Adjudication Facility based upon unmitigated concerns involving Adjudicative Guidelines: B - Foreign Influence, E - Personal Conduct, F - Financial Considerations, G - Alcohol Consumption, H - Drug Involvement, and J - Criminal Conduct. The specific allegations included: multiple traffic violations, alcohol-related offenses, Assault/Domestic Violence, Criminal Damage to Property, Several Failures to Appear at Court, deliberate misrepresentations on the SF86, and over $25,000 in bad debts listed in a four-page Statement of Reasons. Without a clearance being granted, client would have been unable to complete the necessary years of service to qualify for a retirement. Working with client we were able to submit a reapplication after denial package mitigating all concerns and the client was granted the clearance.

Finding Was for Applicant in Case of Misuse of Company Travel Card

ASIA - Employee of Defense Contractor issued Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Adjudicative Guidelines E – Personal Conduct and F – Financial Considerations, for deliberate misuse of company provided travel card for substantial personal purchase followed by failure to pay balance due on card as well as state tax lien. After presenting case at Hearing determination was FOR THE APPLICANT and clearance was granted.

Client Successfully Reapplied for Clearance After Financial Incidents

MIDDLE ATLANTIC - Client defense contractor employee contacted JAG Defense with regard to reapplication after denial of previous clearance based upon numerous accounts being in arrears, income tax and child support arrearages, and bad check incidents under Adjudicative Guideline F- Financial Considerations. After working with client to "resolve" all financial accounts, and providing detailed explanations of circumstances and events that led to the previous denial of the clearance, client was approved for reapplication of his clearance.

Reapplication for Clearance Successfully Accepted

SOUTHEAST - Client Defense Contractor previously had clearance revoked for failure to respond to a Statement of Reasons (SOR) issue due to 14 accounts in arrears under Adjudicative Guideline F - Financial Considerations. After waiting required mandatory minimum of one–year before being eligible to be considered for a clearance, our client was sponsored for a clearance and, after submitting his SF86 was required to submit a package to the Director, Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) demonstrating that the concerns from the previously issued SOR had been mitigated. Working with the client we were able to explain the circumstances that led to the financial concerns and that all accounts had been "resolved," resulting in the reapplication being accepted and the client eligible for consideration of a clearance.

CAF Granted Clearance without Necessity of a Personal Appearance

MIDWEST - Client Federal Government employee of the Department of Defense was issued a Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) based upon Adjudicative Guidelines: F - Financial Considerations, J - Criminal Conduct, and E - Personal Conduct as a result of 11 accounts in arrears, charged-off, in collection, foreclosed upon, past due, resulting in Judgment, and two separate Bankruptcy filings, with the debts totaling over $150,000, a warranted arrest for being a fugitive from justice, and material misrepresentations in the client's SF86/Questionnaire for National Security Positions. After submission of a detailed written response to the SOR the Central Adjudication Facility granted the clearance without the necessity of a Personal Appearance before an Administrative Judge.