Active Duty Service Member Cleared of Financial Charges & Drug Charges

SOUTHEAST - Active duty service member issued Letter of Intent (LOI) / Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Adjudicative Guidelines F - Financial Considerations, G - Alcohol Consumption, and H - Drug Involvement due to 17 different accounts in arrears to include student loans, Veterans Administration, tax lien and consumer credit accounts; use of marijuana on several occasions, to include being the basis for a previous discharge from the military before reenlisting on this enlistment, possession of marijuana, DUI, and excessive consumption of alcohol. After detailed written response to SOR the Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) granted the client's clearance without the client having to go through a Personal Appearance.

Client Cleared From Negative Work History and Financial Struggles

MIDWEST - Client was offered permanent position of employment with National Geospatial Agency (NGA) requiring a security clearance and polygraph examination. Previous issues in client's life under Adjudicative Guidelines: G - Alcohol Consumption - with an impact on work performance, and receiving counseling on several occasions, and F - Financial Considerations - as a result of reduced property values (i.e., being "underwater" on the mortgage) and inability to pay the mortgage, raised concerns for the clients ability to receive a favorable adjudication on the clearance. Helping the client prepare the SF86 and helping the client prepare for the clearance investigation interview resulted in the client being granted the clearance without a Statement of Reasons (SOR) being issued.

Federal Government Employee Cleared After Failure to Disclose Debt

WEST COAST - Federal government employee clearance was denied based uponAdjudicative Guideline - E Personal Conduct - failure to disclose; and F - Financial Considerations - as a result of 8 accounts still being in arrears at time of providing written response to Statement of Reasons. After contacting JAG Defense and consistent with our guidance in demonstrating resolution actions on the debts, employee was successful in mitigating all issues at a Personal Appearance before an Administrative Judge from the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals resulting in a reinstatement of the clearance by the Personnel Security Appeals Board.

Clearance Granted After SOR Related to Financial Considerations

SOUTHWEST - Applicant defense contractor issued Statement of Reasons (SOR) related to Adjudicative Guideline F - Financial Considerations alleging twenty-four (24) debts in arrears. At the Hearing we were able to demonstrate that one (1) debt had been disputed and resolved, two were duplications, and that others were near removal from the Applicant's credit report.. Though we were not able to show resolution of any of the other debts, because of the substantial documentation offered in demonstration of the significant efforts made by Applicant to dispute contested accounts/amounts and efforts to resolve all the accounts, in conjunction with Applicant's voluminous “whole-person” evidence, the Administrative Judge found FOR THE APPLICANT and the clearance was granted.

Client Successfully Had TS/SCI Reinstated Without Personal Appearance

WASHINGTON, DC - Contractor employee within DoD, whose Top Secret (TS) Clearance and Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) access were at risk, was issued Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) from Army Central Clearance Facility (CCF) for Adjudicative Guideline F - Financial Considerations, due to 10 overdue accounts. Working with client to demonstrate "resolution" of all accounts, client was successful in having TS/SCI reinstated based upon written response to SOR without necessity of going through a Personal Appearance.

CAF Found for Service Member without Personal Appearance

MIDDLE ATLANTIC - Military service member client was issued a Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) by the Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) based upon the Adjudicative Guidelines for Financial Considerations based upon Judgments totaling approximately $400,000.00 resulting from a downturn in the real estate market. After considering the substantial documentation in support of the client's efforts to resolve the debt issues, the CAF found for the service member and granted the clearance without the necessity of a Personal Appearance.

Clearance Granted After Shown Efforts to Resolve Financial Issues

MIDDLE ATLANTIC - Applicant Defense Contractor issued Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Guideline F: Financial Considerations based upon 26 financial accounts in arrears. After presenting case before Administrative Judge demonstrating clients resolution of or documented substantial efforts to resolve all accounts – even though not all had been resolved – Finding was made FOR THE APPLICANT and the clearance was granted.

Clearance Granted for Applicant after SOR Allegations under Guideline F

WEST - Applicant, Defense Contractor was issued a Statement of Reasons (SOR) alleging allegations under Guideline F – Financial Considerations, after a business venture failed with resulting Federal and State tax liens in excess of $150,000 dollars. At Hearing we were able to demonstrate documented and long-standing efforts on the part of our client to resolve the tax liabilities with a sufficient explanation of the reasons behind the business failure, with a resulting finding FOR THE APPLICANT and granting of the clearance.

JAG Defense Assisted in Executing SF86 for Clearance

SOUTHWEST - Defense Contractor employee contacted JAG Defense for assistance in executing SF86 for clearance required for employment. Issues related to Adjudicative Guideline - B Financial Considerations, Bankruptcy and also a foreclosure. By fully disclosing circumstances related to issues surrounding Financial Considerations Adjudicative Guideline we were able to help client obtain clearance at minimal expense and avoided issuance of Statement of Reasons (SOR) and necessity of going through a Hearing. Result: CLEARANCE GRANTED.

CAF Found for the Client without Personal Appearance

WASHINGTON, DC - Client civilian employee of Department of Defense was issued a Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) for Adjudicative Guidelines related to G - Alcohol Consumption, I - Psychological Conditions, F - Financial Considerations, and J - Criminal Conduct related to failure to disclose alcohol counseling or treatment, admission on a number of occasions for detoxification and mental health issues, previous revocation of clearance based upon treatment for alcoholism, arrest for DUI, and recent Bankruptcy. After presentation of a written response to the allegations the Central Adjudication Facility found for the client and granted the clearance without the necessity of having to go through a Personal Appearance.