Air Force O-4 Cleared from Inappropriate Touching While Intoxicated
WEST COAST - Air Force O-4 given an Article 15 for inappropriately touching an enlisted member while intoxicated. Approximately a year later, the officer was given a 2nd Article 15 for another alcohol-related incident, and a Letter of Reprimand for failing to disclose the 2nd incident during his Top Secret clearance periodic review. Based upon these incidents, our client was issued a Letter of Intent to Revoke his Security Clearance under Adjudicative Guidelines: J - Criminal Conduct, G - Alcohol Consumption, and E - Personal Conduct, and his command began preparations for a subsequent administrative discharge action. Upon being retained, JAG Defense prepared a compelling response package to the Letter of Intent, which successfully mitigated all concerns. Result: Client retained Top Secret clearance and command has ceased all discharge processing.
Air Force O-6 Retains Security Clearance After Inappropriate Relations
SOUTHEAST - Air Force O-6 Commanding Officer engaged in an unprofessional relationship with an O-3 subordinate officer, resulting in an Article 15 and removal from command. Our client was issued a Letter of Intent to revoke his Top Secret Security Clearance under Adjudicative Guidelines: E - Personal Conduct and J - Criminal Conduct. Our comprehensive response package to the Letter of Intent successfully mitigated all concerns, and adjudication was completed within 2 weeks. Result: Client retained his Top Secret Security Clearance without even having to appear before an Administrative Law Judge.
Dept. of Navy Employee Cleared of Cocaine Use, Possession, & DUIs
MIDDLE ATLANTIC - Civilian employee of the Department of the Navy was issued a Letter of Intent/Statement of Reasons to revoke his security clearance based upon Guideline E – Personal Conduct, Guideline F – Financial Considerations, Guideline G – Alcohol Consumption, Guideline H – Drug Involvement, and Guideline J – Criminal Conduct. While holding a clearance, our client declared bankruptcy, used cocaine, and was arrested for cocaine possession and DUI. Working with the client for over a year, we aided him in obtaining counseling and rehabilitation and making lifestyle changes. After presentation of our case demonstrating substantial behavior changes and excellent prognosis, the Administrative Judge ruled FOR THE APPLICANT granting security clearance
Applicant For Dept of Energy Access Cleared From Misuse of Ammunition
SOUTHWEST - Applicant for Department of Energy Access issued Statement of Charges (SOC) under Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations Part 710, "Criteria and Procedures for Determining Eligibility for Access to Classified Matter or Special Nuclear Material based upon allegations under Adjudicative Guidelines E - Personal Conduct and J - Criminal Conduct as a result of the wrongful possession and storage and bringing a personal weapon and ammunition into a combat zone in violation of orders and the Geneva Convention; and the wrongful possession and attempted transportation of government ammunition out of a combat zone. After presentation of our case before a DoE Hearing Officer, the finding was FOR THE APPLICANT and granting of the access.
Client Cleared from Civil Lawsuit of Due Child Support, Theft, & DUI
SOUTHEAST - Applicant, who is also a Key Management Personnel for the Contractor, was facing difficulties in getting his Personal Security Clearance favorably adjudicated due to concerns arising under Adjudicative Guidelines: J - Criminal Conduct, G - Alcohol Consumption, and E - Personal Conduct due to past issues of felony prosecution for Aggravated Battery and Grand Theft, civil lawsuit for past due child support, and DUI. Delay in granting of Personal Clearance was also negatively affecting Defense Contractor ability to obtain Facility Clearance. The combination of the delays in the two clearances was costing the Contractor the ability to obtain large government contracts. Working with Defense Security Service (DSS), Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO), and Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA), we were able to quickly provide the necessary mitigating information sufficient to result in an expeditious resolution of the Personal Clearance, thereby also resulting in a favorable adjudication of the Facility Clearance, all of this being accomplished in very short order of just a few days and without the issuance of a Statement of Reasons or the requirement to go through a Hearing, saving the client both time and money and expediting the Contractor's ability to achieved classified contracts.
Government Employee Granted Security Clearance From Drug Abuse
WEST COAST - Client, government employee was issued a Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) based upon allegations under Adjudicative Guidelines: H - Drug Involvement and J - Criminal Conduct for drug use on multiple occasions each month from 1978-1985; and then on a less frequent basis from 1985 until 2002; falsification of SF86s on two different occasions in 1994 and 1999 by denying drug use in the previous 7 years; and for drug use while employed by the U.S. Government and possessing a security clearance. After responding to the SOR, the government issued a Supplemental SOR under the Adjudicative Guideline for Personal Conduct, to address the deliberate failures provide full, frank, and candid responses to the SF86s. After submitting a response to both the SOR and Supplemental SOR, the Central Adjudication Facility found FOR THE APPLICANT and the clearance was granted without the necessity of having to go through a Personal Appearance.
Central Adjudication Facility Found for Client and Granted Clearance
WASHIGNTON, DC - Client active duty military member received Letter of Intent (LOI) / Statement of Reasons (SOR) for Adjudicative Guidelines: G - Drug Involvement, J - Criminal Conduct, and E -Personal Conduct concerning consuming alcohol to the point of intoxication, failure to disclose pre-service use of an illegal drug, use of an illegal drug within the last 7 years of executing the SF86, and use of an illegal drug while possessing a security clearance. After submitting a detailed written response to the SOR, the Central Adjudication Facility found for the client and GRANTED THE CLEARANCE.
Clearance Granted by the Personnel Security Appeals Board of the CAF
SOUTHEAST - Client active duty military officer was issued a Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) for Adjudicative Guidelines: B - Foreign Influence, C - Foreign Preference, J - Criminal Conduct, and K - Handling of Protected Information as a result of being a foreign national, a stated hesitation to renounce the foreign citizenship, having numerous family members in a foreign country to include a senior officer in the foreign military, criminal investigation for VUCMJ Articles 92 and 134 (assimilating 18 U.S.C. Section 793(d) Gathering, Transmitting or Losing Defense Information), and numerous questionable financial transactions of large dollar amounts. After presenting the case before an Administrative Judge from the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA), the Personnel Security Appeals Board (PSAB) of the Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) granted the clearance.
CAF Found for the Client without Personal Appearance
WASHINGTON, DC - Client civilian employee of Department of Defense was issued a Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) for Adjudicative Guidelines related to G - Alcohol Consumption, I - Psychological Conditions, F - Financial Considerations, and J - Criminal Conduct related to failure to disclose alcohol counseling or treatment, admission on a number of occasions for detoxification and mental health issues, previous revocation of clearance based upon treatment for alcoholism, arrest for DUI, and recent Bankruptcy. After presentation of a written response to the allegations the Central Adjudication Facility found for the client and granted the clearance without the necessity of having to go through a Personal Appearance.
Clearance Granted in Case Involving Allegations of Indecent Assault
WASHINGTON, DC - Client senior official within DoD received Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) under Adjudicative Guidelines: D - Sexual Behavior and J - Criminal Conduct as a result of allegations of indecent assault. After presentation of case before an Administrative Judge from the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals the Personnel Security Appeals Board (PSAB) for the Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) granted the clearance.